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we develop

Brands at the crossroads of strategy and imaginative design

Unlock your brand’s potential, and ignite growth!

Congratulations on bringing your idea to life and turning it into a business!

With Fru+You you can now overcome challenges and unlock your brand’s true potential.

Our branding process provides clarity to connect with Your Dream  Customers and drive sales. Experience a transformative journey, crafting a resonating brand identity.

Launch within a week, leaving slow and expensive options behind.

No more guesswork. Your brand will captivate customers’ needs and desires. Empowering purpose-driven businesses is our passion.

Take the next step. Book a fit call today.


1. Start with a call

Feeling unsure? We can clarify all your questions during a no-pressure fit call. 

This conversation will help you confirm if my services are the perfect fit for your brand’s needs. 

2. Take a Deep Dive™

During this interview-style workshop we uncover your unique brand opportunity. 

At the end you receive an actionable roadmap, that you can start executing – with or without my help. 

3. Take The Leap™

Ready to take things to the next level with your brand? 

This package of essentials is designed to get you started. Logos, typography, colour palette included! 

You made your passion your business.
Now it’s time to get the rest of the world at least as excited about it as you are. 
Disrupt what is out there. Change the world. 

I got you. 
I’m Fru, and I can help you see the forest for the tree. 

Whether you are a completely new business seeking a brand, or you are around for awhile on the market, I can help you hone into the superpower of Your Brand. 

We can turn your passion to a visible force on the market and attract your Dream Clients. 
I can take care of your branding needs so that you get the chance to spend your precious time and energy in what you love most – the content of your business.  



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